Thursday, March 22, 2007


ah....I finally make it to Paris...and it rains, sleets, and wait....Is windy as hell....good times. The "perdu" sun decided to come out and play today...good timing because we went to the Effiel tower. I did not climb the tower (ARE YOU KIDDING, with all those damn Italian teenagers visiting!) Instead, I laughed at James and his jeans. If you didn't know...and you should...James (Montana, as I refer lovingly to him) has an issue with jeans. Well I should say that most jeans have an issue with him. He abuses them. Between lost crotches (oh yes, you can loose your seat...did you know) and the random tear at the ankles, this boy never seems to have a decent pair of jeans...well today...I didn't help the situation....whoops....See James had a loose piece of jean hanging around his shoe...and my oh-so bright mind, though "He could get that caught in the escalator" (its happened before...Truth) so I decied to step on it, in hopes that it would just tear of clean....oh my...instead the leg of the jean split clear up to the knee....I was crying and laughing so hard....poor james was walking around with one leg as a skirt....ah the adventure... see what you miss when we aren't around...SO again instead of helping him...I hindered and took pictures...I'm so mean

So we have to buy a new pair of jeans....

All my love


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you did that to Jamie and I can't believe you took the elevator up the Eiffel Tower! The view is so much better when you are sweaty and out of breath (that isn't winning my case is it?) But really, the view is incredible either way. I miss you and wish I could talk to you. Romain and I are...having issues...DON'T TELL HIS PARENTS THOUGH!!! Give them our love and tell me what you think about the new artwork that Edith got on Ebay? She told me about it and it sounds cool.