Sunday, March 4, 2007

Prague I really can't speak Czeck..German..Dutch...Danish...hummm how am I to survive...We just finished our stay in Prague..which was really quite nice..and thankfully because of the mass amounts of tourists the Czechs speak a lot of English...whoo hoo...Don't I feel dumb for never learning a foreign language! (the joke is on you, if you thought I could speak french...) We had a nice enough time, we got shipped off from one hostel (crappy Italian hotel!!! and the hotel manager was a jerk!!!) to a really nice hotel closer to the central part of the old town...I guess it was luck...We walked around the old city most of the time, and we climbed the mountain to get to the castle...(I still can't figure out what attracts James to massive hills). I had a good time though but that could have been the massive quantities of beer, that we insisted on drinking...did you know that the Czechs consume more beer than any other nationality...hummm I would too at 99 cents per PINT!!! oh wait...I did....hehe....Other than the occasional refreshment, we did see some art...some not a lot...much to my disappointment...a rather nice Muncha exhibit and a Dali print exhibit....(have a soap box, against the Dali exhibit but James says I'm being a I wont bore you with it...but the Dali exhibit wasn't even worth the money...geez if I wanted to see prints of his works...Ill buy a book!!! okay I'm better now) Other than that and the weird guy from Amsterdam on the train...Prague was fun and relaxing...exactly what I look for in a vacation spot....oh and in cause I forget...the Prague Dixieland Band...was...well unique...I had to restrain James from buying a CD...We you get the chance...I believe Thank yous are in order..because I just saved your souls from torture...

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