Thursday, February 1, 2007


No sight so sad as that of a bug in your beer!!

Hello folks,

Still in Espana....we leave for Barcelona tomm, and are there for about five days. Sorry, I haven´t written recently but the internet in this hotel is one communal computer and gaining access is just as difficult as speaking the language. So the above qoute is from the other night, when James discovered a bug in my beer before I got to drink it....I can´t express how funny the situation was to you without facial expressions. Between the waitor looking at James as if he placed the bug in the beer just to get a new one and James using hand signals to express that the bug dropped into the beer, along with the language barrier....I was giggling.....Okay, things I have learned about the Spanish, one they have a fetish for footware I will never understand (and it isn´t just the female gender), the siesta is mind boggling (from my last experience with a city shutting down, you would have thought the pope died again in the middle of the day), I doubt I will ever truly learn the language, and the train stations are the highlight of my days (just because James trying to communicate is so funny!!!) Oh and Spanish men above the age of 60 can be expected to serenade the entire train at any moment (counting two so far!! and we still have more train rides!) I am again with out a novel to read (thats how eventful the trains are!) finished the Count of Monte Cristo and am working on Sense and Sensiblity (but after that I´m in need) Go figure the Spanish bookstores would have limited supply of English novels. My choices were Jane Austin, Joseph Conrad (whoo that was leaping off the shelf, really who reads that for enjoyment, If I had my way that would be one of the books I burned after high school....evil Catholic Schools) and also Hemminway (well if you know me, than you know my abohorence for Hemmingway.....the man was a devil as well as hiding in the closet, but I´ll get off the soap box.....bastard......I´m done) So I ended up with Jane.....I´m waiting until Barcelona to look again for a new novel.....

Okay now that I´ve bored you and told you nothing of the city of Valencia (which is really beautiful, but other than architecture, parks, and shopping, oh and the beach (too cold) thats it to the city and Í´m bored.....James isn´t though, but he is easily amused....yep show him a bridge and he could spend all day staring at it.....BORING!!!)

I love you all (I refuse to write yáll)

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