Thursday, February 15, 2007

Florence II

My valentine's day was rather boring...I hope yours was better! Since both James and I have head colds, we ended up having a quiet dinner (nothing fancy, just pizza and pasta, but hey it beats McD's) and for my V-Day gift, James bought me the Lady if you didn't know this already, I am a huge nerd for old movies (I completely blame my parents for this, of course....My mother quotes Gigi and others, and my Dad is a mystery-action-John Wayne movie fan) I was so excited (NERD!!) So the cold got put on hold, so I could watch it!!! James feel asleep during it (but I had to forgive him, nasty cold...besides its a bit of a girly movie).
So as of right now, I'm in the hotel room in the dark (James napping, I always seem to be typing while he is napping/snoring), I ventured out this afternoon (into the big city, by myself), but that didn't last long...I'm too much of a chicken for one, and two, I got followed (note to self, big camera, says I'm a big tourist...duh)...I hate weird italian boys who think that they can just come up to a girl and start talking or following girl has no problem hitting boys, biting, spitting or running away!!! Me and my over-active imagination had to dodge one this afternoon, actually it was kinda funny...I stopped to take a beautiful photo (because all my photos are beautiful, didn't you know) and I resumed on a path when I noticed a white hat (ie ski hat with the puff ball on top) along side me...See this is where my feet speed up...and again Stopped to take yet another photo (in door way, away from central walking path) and bouncy white hat walks by, stops a few feet ahead and looks back towards me (duh can see through view-finder, geez, what an idiot!) So instead of walking via his direction...I stepped across the plaza, half-way through, I glance back...and Bobble head is waving, smiling and making eye contact (ug!!!!) Now I could have either chalked all this up to paranoia and stopped to take another photo, but somehow I didn't want to risk it...single girl, big camera....hummm I continued walking.....jerk!!! Made me miss a lot of really good!
So I'll just have to wait til tomm when James feels better (he feels okay today, but I had to make a faramacia run because he eat all of my meds I packed...Note to self, pack more than just a weeks worth of meds next time. At the time of the packing it made sense because I was the one with the cold and the most likely of the two of us to get a cold. The kid has the consitution of a horse, but then again, I've been wrong before...)
And that was my adventure for the day...boring....

Hope your day was better!!!
All my love


oh and as parting gift...guess this movie quote...."I'd kiss you but I just washed my hair." (I love you, Mom)
If you need help answering that quote, I strongly suggest Bette Davis films and talking to Momma

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So you think me a mystery / John Wayne man? Hmmm – I have broader film noire taste then that.

Mother like daughter. Your mother was more physically accosted by the Italians than your beanie baby.