Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Barcelona III

Oh man, I don't understand the Spanish (sung just like the Gigi song, "I don't understand the Parisians"), if they are not spending money, smoking like chimneys, or drinking something, then it must be a bad day. Heaven forbid, they have a non sunny day....Okay I'm grouchy because my feet hurt...I know whine whine whine, "Your in Europe complaining about your feet..." well if you climbed the hill I tackled today, I wouldn't begrudge you a little complaining either....Lets just say I climbed the Spanish version of a Mountain, they so lovingly call a street....damn them all....all that effort for a park....Architecture is the bane of my existence...The park was nice....nice not amazing....and the cafe I had at the park tasted like horse piss but after that hill, it was like drinking liquid gold....I'll never do that again, to both the crappy cafe and the hill...I don't care who designed the damn park, if I have to climb a hill again, the architecture kid is on his own....leave me and my lazy butt at the bottom of the hill, happy and content to watch you walk up.
On a brighter note, I've spent the whole day just being lazy (despite the damn hill, it really wasn't a hill, I climbed a mountain side! I've skied things less steep). Good food, cafe and taking lots of pictures...my kind of day....to bad the bubble will get popped as soon as I get back to the states....ug who wants to work after having a trip like this....I'm debating the idea of not having to work, but somehow I don't think that will fly with James the slave driver....sob....how sad is the life I lead (I say this with complete sarcasm)

See right about now is where my mom would scream "A topaz in my jewels, are you mad?", but thats only to continue with the Gigi train of thought....

I watch way too many old movies.....and for those who haven't seen the movie, well than your missing out on some great lines.....

All my Love to everyone


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why haven't you written anything new? and do i still send you emails or post comments on your blog or leave messages on facebook???? I need communication.