Friday, February 9, 2007


Well Nice is nice (god thats cliche) I'm in the hotel room on the first full day in France....Whoo hoo somewhere new...And for all of those who thought I could speak french...Sad news...Its bad...really bad, so bad that if a nice lady on the train to Nice, wouldn't have helped James and I communicate with the conductors, well we might have ended up in Marseilles for the night...I bless every older french lady that can understand English as well at this moment....
SO the day, was fine and beautiful, we are talking about 60 and Sunny on the beach....Aren't you jealous....sorry I couldn't resist....Barcelona was great, I really enjoyed it...but Nice is so much better....Call me selfish, because my name just happens to be french, I find the French coast awesome....the old city, the plage (beach), the parks, the people, the Casinos (what spend Daddy's money, oh no I would never do that....besides I only spend money on a sure Shoes, clothes and of course Scarves)

However, at dinner tonight, My big mouth just happen to say this about our waiter tonight, "Has the attitude of a frog......And I don't mean that because he is french....He is just sour....Shut up James, stop laughing at me"
Insert foot into mouth....

In two days we venture towards Italy and a new language...If you had any thougths about how James is communicating, let me say this, Spanish was kinda cute in a crude way, French is out right hilarious because he hates how it sounds, and Italian, well, its all about the hand gestures, right....the other languages, well, We are screwed...especially Czech

Hope this finds all of you well!!!
All my love


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WE were in nice NiCE this past September it is nice. Did you walk the Promenade des Anglais by the sea, it is lovely. Great Blog.