Monday, February 22, 2010

Goal 1

Here is my new goal.

I will use everyday to actually improve my art. Which means I will actually take a photo everyday. (Which is the biggest lie I have ever told myself, this ranks right up there with I will get my butt out of bed to exercise.)

But, today is a new day (said just like Scarlet O'Hara), and I have to do something. I have become very latent in my behavior. Besides I really have no excuses since I inherited a ton of film from a friend's mom. I do mean a ton, like a table spread of FREE film. (It was a discovery in the outside fridge that the deadbeat ex husband left) Whoo hoo for my gain and his loss! So I have to get off my butt and go play outside.... Sometime today.... I swear..... I will actually get dressed today and go outside.... it might be the back yard with the dogs but I will go outside....

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