Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Goal 1 continued

This morning is clean and crisp.
I had every intention of getting up at 5 to take one of my mutts for a walk, but when 5 rolled around, the only thing i did do was turn off the alarm. However I'm awake now. And its bloody cold in the house outside of my warm blankets on my comfy bed.

I am continuing the post from yesterday because I did not go photograph outside yesterday. Instead at about 10 pm, I took pictures of the dogs sleeping on different pieces of furniture in the house. Blue snoring was the main reason, I broke out the camera. This shows just how lazy my behavior has become in the past year. But today will be a busy day, so hopefully i won't be to lazy. Okay that last part may be a bit of a lie, it will be a busy day, but me being productive might be a stretch.

Yesterday was pretty productive. I started this blog again, I edited my website. I started editing wedding images I took in Jan (just because the bride is now harassing me and her daughter (ie my best friend) to get the photos back). I worked out. (Damn you weight machines, my arms are tired today!) I took pictures of sleeping dogs.

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