Thursday, February 25, 2010

Goal 2

I will not nap today!
As much as I want to go back to bed. I am determined to actually make it through the day. I was up at 5 this morning to walk Blue in the cold. Had coffee with my parents by 6:45 and am now at home, trying not to fall asleep in front of the computer.

I need to actually do work today. (ie: finish the weddings I have been stalling on)

That and I want to go shopping... The grocery store.... My favorite shopping excursion. In some perverse way the grocery store makes me all sorts of happy. I love shopping for food. I mostly love planning what I intend to cook. (Like the "Mexican stew", I created last night with chicken, chorizo, and black beans) I should take my camera along with me to the store... I have no idea if that will get me into trouble...
As far as Goal 1 goes, so far I have managed to take a photo everyday.... A lot of them have been the dogs, but I have been shooting everyday.

Today however is for editing photos...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Goal 1 continued

This morning is clean and crisp.
I had every intention of getting up at 5 to take one of my mutts for a walk, but when 5 rolled around, the only thing i did do was turn off the alarm. However I'm awake now. And its bloody cold in the house outside of my warm blankets on my comfy bed.

I am continuing the post from yesterday because I did not go photograph outside yesterday. Instead at about 10 pm, I took pictures of the dogs sleeping on different pieces of furniture in the house. Blue snoring was the main reason, I broke out the camera. This shows just how lazy my behavior has become in the past year. But today will be a busy day, so hopefully i won't be to lazy. Okay that last part may be a bit of a lie, it will be a busy day, but me being productive might be a stretch.

Yesterday was pretty productive. I started this blog again, I edited my website. I started editing wedding images I took in Jan (just because the bride is now harassing me and her daughter (ie my best friend) to get the photos back). I worked out. (Damn you weight machines, my arms are tired today!) I took pictures of sleeping dogs.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Goal 1

Here is my new goal.

I will use everyday to actually improve my art. Which means I will actually take a photo everyday. (Which is the biggest lie I have ever told myself, this ranks right up there with I will get my butt out of bed to exercise.)

But, today is a new day (said just like Scarlet O'Hara), and I have to do something. I have become very latent in my behavior. Besides I really have no excuses since I inherited a ton of film from a friend's mom. I do mean a ton, like a table spread of FREE film. (It was a discovery in the outside fridge that the deadbeat ex husband left) Whoo hoo for my gain and his loss! So I have to get off my butt and go play outside.... Sometime today.... I swear..... I will actually get dressed today and go outside.... it might be the back yard with the dogs but I will go outside....

It has begun... again

I have decided to start this again. New year, new goals, and new ideas. Or at least that is the little white lie, I told to my husband about keeping this blog.

James and I married after we got back from Europe. We lived in Little Rock for about a year before we bought a house and now we are comfortable established in our first "real" home. Its a 1929 bungalow in Stiff Station, about 2 miles from downtown Little Rock. We love it. I have an office of my own and James has a drum room...
We do not have kids, unless you count our dogs. Lola (my great dane/ border collie mix) is my princess who sleeps in the office while i type this and Blue (my american staffordshire terrier mix) is staring out the window in the front room, ready to defend the house from cats and post men. This has become my blissful life. At home working.