Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Good Morning to you all,

We are finally out of Madrid and made it to Cordoba. Madrid is nice,
but the hostel was horrible. Not in the sense that it had bugs,
smelled or lack running water, oh no it was packed with lots of
obnoxious tourists (Spanish, German and French) At 6:30 in the morning
when you went to bed at 2, I thought the normal world would be
respectful of others in the hotel...silly me....I was raised with
MANNERS!! ug I never thought I would cuss another language but at that
moment, I cursed every Spanish speaking person around me (namely the
whole city!) We took the earliest train ride out of there....8:30 this
morning. Cordoba is everything I picture when I think of a Spanish
town. Its a beautiful mixture of old and new. And the mosque, we came
to see is absolutely beautiful. And I like these people a lot more
than the people of bigger cities like Madrid. There isn't a whole lot
to see but since James is working on urban space, the parks, river
bridge, mosque and other shopping centers have made this trip worth
the effort. The next trip is out to Valencia via Spanish train (a
running pattern with us) As soon as we get there I'll send another
email. At the moment that is all I have to say. (whoo hoo short

all my love


Hey Guys and Dolls

I am missing my tail feathers right now, because its under 0 degrees
Celsius ....I thought flying south, is the idea of avoiding cold
weather....Okay so Bilbao was beautiful (what we saw of it, we kinda
took like a 4 hour nap in the middle of the day, jet lag, kicking me
while I'm down), we did land safely, in Spain (in cause I forgot to
mention it), now after a 12 hour train ride, we are in Madrid hiding
out in our hotel room...The original time for the train ride was
suppose to be......2 hours.....30 mins.......obviously the Spanish
have nothing to do all day on a Sat. The train, (damn the train) was
stuck because of snow (snow in Spain you say, oh yes in the mountains
we found snow!!) for about 2 hours, then we had to connect to a
different train (Palencia, Spain, now try finding that on the map) So
I have finished Jane Eyre that I was hoping to last most of the trip,
and I am in need of a new book because we have at least 4 more Spanish
trains to ride before we are out of this country. Yippee....James is
bored out of his mind, because neither him nor I can really
communicate with these people, and yet they still try to talk to
him...It must be because of his ugly orange hat. (Dutch would be
proud, this is a major golfing hat!) An ugly plaid orange hat....Now
you would think that he had important ideas he should be considering
for this competition that he won....Nope, dumb as a rock. I keep
telling people I'm the brains and he is the eye candy....one of these
days somebody might believe me....And OH MY GOD STEVEN STEGALL in
Spanish on the TV, well I can't pass this up, Its so bad.....yet I
can't look away....gotta go and laugh my self silly now

I hope this finds all of you well


Saturday, January 27, 2007

Ah Sunny Spain (third email)


Well leave it to me to travel halfway around the world to eat Chinese
in Bilbao, Spain. Hows that for ironic, a chinese spanish speaking
waiter.....humm.....not surprisingly niether James nor I are aware of
what we actually ate...but it looked like chicken and curry....Okay
the flight from nasty New York to Madrid was fine (I hate take-offs
and landings, had I the presence of mind to think of it, I would have
snagged a few misc. pills from my brother in law who hates to
fly.....then I might have actually slept on the damn plane.) Bilbao is
quite beautiful, but cold (not nearly as bad as New York). Tomm bright
and early we have to catch our first train. SO I hope this email finds
all of you well!!

All my love

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The JFK airport (second email)

Despite the fact that he was my least favorite president, this airport
is just plain nasty....and in a chaotic way....I have to sit around to
check in because we got booted out of our hotel room 2hours before we
even had to be at the airport...Ah New Yorkers....I can't for the life
of me think of another set of people just as rude....This even beats
the French (well for the time being, we still have to go to France).
We leave for Spain today in case any of you lost the iten. Its Bilbao
first, then Madrid, Cordoba, Valencia, and Barcelona....Whoo I'll be
glad to have 8 hours of nothing to do but sleep on the plane!! Oh and
of the possible places to live after James decides what he wants to do
with his career New York is way out of the question, who can sleep
with taxies honking at 3am.....

Okay so I love you all
(the future grand-daughter, daughter in law, niece, and the coolest
person you know....hehe)

PS Maggie, sweetie I love you but maybe you should take a break from
planning my wedding until I get home because we don't even have a
date, much less a season....

Also, should anyone have any questions referring to the special
occasion please defer them to my (lovely) bride James.....humm....I
don't have to do anything, that sounds fabulous! ahhhh!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Ahh (first email sent)

I hate being rushed to write emails especially on a crappy keybored...Okay so New Yorkers are the rudest people alive..If i get pushed one more time me and my southern accent are going to to exchange some words. Allright dispite the cold I'm having a good time but this is going to be a short email because I got hosed by James on the time for the email...so if there are typos I blame him! When I get to sunny spain I'll upload some photos but until then I don't have time or the money to spend trying
psThank you for all the congrats....and no We are not getting married in europe...I would get disowned by my father if we did....
I love you daddy! Send me money!!!

New York

These people need to understand the difference between good coffee and Starbucks....oh my god....that coffee house chain has invaded every corner block of this damn city....what the hell...I died and gone to crappy coffee hell....send me to Europe fast because this part of the US is so jacked up on caffine that they forget to breath between their coffee and cigarettes....If I am forced to live here...I would gladly sell my soul like Thomas Kincade in order to escape this hell hole.....