Monday, January 3, 2011

Spring 2011

Fall 2010, schedule consisted of Studies in Art History (which I barely passed, who knew that I would need to know some much freaking philosophy of Art.... hateful subject), Florence: City and Art (graduate only class, passed with flying colors, mostly because I am dying to get back to that city. I would live there in a heart beat.) and Art Since 1945 (which I can say truthfully I should have not passed. I was not aware of all the expectations of the class and I think the professor was just being kind to pass me.)

This Spring however I have reduced the class load to work more, and focus more on the actual requirements of the classes. I maintained a 4 pt in college, I refuse to have less than a 3.5 in graduate. So I need to bust my ass to get it there.

Spring 2011, schedule, History of Photography and Film (petrified since is a favorite subject, please god don't let me suck in this class) and Baroque Art (which I find interesting more so than Northern Renaissance, or Environmental Art, the other choices this semester) Both classes are with a professor, that I find to be difficult. No personally just grade wise, so I need to be stellar.

ps: This is more of therapy for me than truly meant to be read, but if some is reading: I am apologizing now because this will not be scholarly by any means.

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