Wednesday, January 19, 2011

First Day

I had my first class of this semester on Tues at 9am... and now I'm actually debating about going to the library to begin my research. Ok, I'm not debating, I'm going, but I'm am debating as to if I feel the need to work out. Baroque, is going to be interesting and painful at the same time. The Photo/Film class will be this Monday, and the syllabus is looking a little scary too. I have the required reading texts for that class already, but some of the suggested are a little hairy and I am leaning towards buying a few of them too. The Baroque class is requiring a research paper. As soon as I figure out the topic, I'll post my preliminary research on it. For right now, I'm waiting on the books to arrive and I'm going to be hiding in the library this afternoon.

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