Wednesday, January 19, 2011

First Day

I had my first class of this semester on Tues at 9am... and now I'm actually debating about going to the library to begin my research. Ok, I'm not debating, I'm going, but I'm am debating as to if I feel the need to work out. Baroque, is going to be interesting and painful at the same time. The Photo/Film class will be this Monday, and the syllabus is looking a little scary too. I have the required reading texts for that class already, but some of the suggested are a little hairy and I am leaning towards buying a few of them too. The Baroque class is requiring a research paper. As soon as I figure out the topic, I'll post my preliminary research on it. For right now, I'm waiting on the books to arrive and I'm going to be hiding in the library this afternoon.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Spring 2011

Fall 2010, schedule consisted of Studies in Art History (which I barely passed, who knew that I would need to know some much freaking philosophy of Art.... hateful subject), Florence: City and Art (graduate only class, passed with flying colors, mostly because I am dying to get back to that city. I would live there in a heart beat.) and Art Since 1945 (which I can say truthfully I should have not passed. I was not aware of all the expectations of the class and I think the professor was just being kind to pass me.)

This Spring however I have reduced the class load to work more, and focus more on the actual requirements of the classes. I maintained a 4 pt in college, I refuse to have less than a 3.5 in graduate. So I need to bust my ass to get it there.

Spring 2011, schedule, History of Photography and Film (petrified since is a favorite subject, please god don't let me suck in this class) and Baroque Art (which I find interesting more so than Northern Renaissance, or Environmental Art, the other choices this semester) Both classes are with a professor, that I find to be difficult. No personally just grade wise, so I need to be stellar.

ps: This is more of therapy for me than truly meant to be read, but if some is reading: I am apologizing now because this will not be scholarly by any means.

New Year; New Thoughts; New Goals

The original object of this blog, was to document my travels abroad. That purpose expired awhile ago, so now I need to re-invent this blog and myself. As of the fall, (2010), I have started back to school. Graduate School, for a masters in Art History. So I feel that it would benefit me, to use this site as an expression of my studies and my feelings while trying to keep my head above water in school. Here goes! Let's hope this works out for me and truthfully does not suck, as in the past.