Friday, April 20, 2007


We are officially at home...and bored out of our minds....Its kinda sad when you go from seeing new things everyday to sitting around the house because you are jobless, broke, and living at home (okay, I'm jobless, broke, and bored)...sob...Chicago was fine except for the SNOW IN APRIL!! So instead of actully going into town, we sat around my Grandmother's and played a hell of a lot of cards...Right now we are living at Jamie mom's house and trying to plan a wedding....sob...I'm one of those brides who never wanted to plan a wedding...I get sick at the thought of fact I was sick yesterday from either a 24 hour bug..or stress...or both...There is a reason why James has been called the "Bride" for 3 years...

Hope all is well

All my love!!

Friday, April 6, 2007


Please no more pints....anything but more beer...between the Czechs, the Germans and the Irish...I can't keep up...and trust me I've been trying....

Monday, April 2, 2007


I'm sunburnt in London...ironic...usually it rains in London. We have been having a good time, despite the fact that everything is twice the price (the dollar is a little over Two to One pound...sob) so We blew the budget...hum...all those presents for people (HAHA, we didn't blow it all on Scarves...I know what you are thinking....thats just mean, if you think I have too many scarves...) According to Jim (James Step-Dad) My Scarves are like Shoes to other sad and so true! And I have very sad news...I can't find the Jimmy Choo's store...And ITS NOT LIKE I HAVEN'T TRIED...I think James has been detouring my search...and thats just mean...

Almost home

We are almost done with the Europe part of this trip...sob...there goes my vacation....