Monday, March 8, 2010


I'm sorry that i have not been so diligent as i would have liked to be with this blog.

However the last few days have been really hectic. For part of last week i was in Broussard, LA for a family funeral. I wished that it would have been on happier terms that I was surrounded by my mother's family. But the shining to that gray cloud is I did get to see a lot (and I do mean a lot) of family. I am, in no small terms, related to at least half the state of Louisiana. My maternal grandmother was one of 13 children. My maternal grandfather's mother was one of 11 children. I don't exaggerate when I say I am related to the town of Broussard and Lafayette LA.

I did take photos while I was "home". Which was nice. I mostly documented my childhood memories. Things like my favorite po'boy place, the best place to get sugar cookies and a dobash cake, and of course my favorite live oak. I'll upload those later.

Right now I'm just glad to be home home. Getting back to my routine should be nice.

Sometime later this week though I am going to be re-shooting Sasha (my friend fighting cancer). We will be painting her and photographing, I'm so excited. Hopefully it turns out well.